Hallow App

Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, draw yourself into conversation with God...that is what you’ll experience when you spend a few minutes in the Hallow App, the #1 Catholic App for prayer and meditation. Hallow started in 2018 by a group of friends from college who found themselves lost in their prayer routines amidst the daily stressors of personal and professional life.
Our team’s mission is to let God hallow our lives (to make them holy) and to help others do the same. The world is filled with more distractions than ever before and people are struggling to deal with increasing levels of stress and anxiety in their lives. They often turn to things like secular meditation, which focuses on the physiological management of stress, because they simply don’t know that there are meditative traditions within the Church
Despite increasing disaffiliation from the Church however, there has not been a rise in atheism. Instead, there has been massive growth in the self-described “Spiritual But Not Religious”.
We believe that, despite all the challenges that the Church is facing, this is an incredibly hopeful sign (i.e., that they are still searching for the divine in their lives) and reflective of that fact that the desire to know God is written on the human heart.
Hallow’s goal as a mobile app is to meet people where they are, both physically on their mobile devices and metaphysically wherever they are on their faith journey, to give them the space and language to develop a personal relationship with God through contemplative prayer.
We believe that grounding all evangelization and catechesis in a rich prayer life (including through the Sacraments) is the key to revitalizing the Church and the world.
The Catechism defines meditation as a quest. “The mind seeks to understand the why and how of the Christian life, in order to adhere and respond to what the Lord is asking. The required attentiveness is difficult to sustain. We are usually helped by books, and Christians do not want for them: the Sacred Scriptures, particularly the Gospels, holy icons, liturgical texts of the day or season, writings of the spiritual fathers, works of spirituality, the great book of creation, and that of history the page on which the "today" of God is written.” -CC2705
St. Teresa says about contemplative prayer as, "Contemplative prayer [oracion mental] in my opinion is nothing else than a close sharing between friends; it means taking time frequently to be alone with him who we know loves us."6 Contemplative prayer seeks him "whom my soul loves."
Meditation and contemplative prayer are such beautiful expressions of our faith, and Hallow helps to make these available to all. The app offers 5-30 minute guided audio sessions using a variety of prayer types, including Christian Meditation, the Examen, Lectio Divina, the Rosary, and Spiritual Writing. From prayer challenges that dig deeper into familiar prayers like the Our Father and Stations of the Cross, to “praylists” on topics like joy and humility, to the mysteries of the Rosary, to meditations on the daily Gospel, to Bible sleep stories, Hallow offers a rich library of sessions to help users build a relationship with God. We also recently launched over 100 curated music tracks from chant to traditional Christmas hymns.
You can also create prayer “families” in the app, allowing groups of users to share intentions, reflections, and prayers with one another while they are physically separated. Great for families, Bible study groups, parish communities, and any group in between.
Hallow offers a little something for everyone, and our prayer is that it can help you deepen your relationship with Our Lord through dedicated time in prayer and contemplation with Him. If you’d like to give Hallow a try, we have permanently free content as well as premium content with amazing Catholic speakers such as Fr. Mike Schmitz and Jonathan Roumie.
To try the premium content for free, head to hallow.com/thedailycatholicblog!