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Reviving the Practice of Hospitality through Modern Etiquette

What comes to mind when you hear the word “etiquette?” If it’s old ladies wearing pearls and

lunching at a fancy restaurant, you aren’t alone. As a certified etiquette trainer, I receive a lot of curiosity about what I do and why I chose to pursue teaching modern manners to others as a career. “Do people even use manners anymore?”

My passion for etiquette comes from a deep calling to show hospitality to others. Some may say it’s my “love language.” Stranger, friend, family or foe, I’ve always been called to show up and serve in a way that makes others feel welcome, relaxed, and taken care of.

Hospitality is a beautiful theme found throughout the Bible, and something at which Jesus was particularly skilled. He created connections by listening to understand others, inviting all kinds of people to dine with him at his table, and by serving and including others to journey alongside him free of judgement.

Modern etiquette teaches those same concepts Jesus so patiently illustrated. However, in a

fast-paced world and casual society, the importance of good manners is often overlooked,

overshadowed or ignored completely.

And to what good? Modern etiquette is designed to be a common language shared by all, so

that others feel included. It is a great equalizer in an unequal world. It crosses all barriers,

because it does not cost anything to show kindness and respect to our self and others. The

language of etiquette is one of empathy and compassion which makes it one of the most

valuable yet underutilized tools we have at our disposal.

The heart of etiquette is rooted in kindness and respect for self and others. It calls us to practice awareness and mindfulness in a distracted world. Modern etiquette is a tool we can all study, practice and use to slow down so that we are able to fulfill our calling to live with intention. It provides a powerful advantage that allows us to cultivate relationships and show others the light and love already shown to us by God’s grace.

So how can we show hospitality to others? With a simple smile to a stranger. Eager, helpful

hands to a neighbor. A cup of warm coffee and a cozy place to sit for a friend. A delicious meal served on a beautifully set table for our family. The ways we show hospitality to others is wide and varied, but what’s important is that it comes from a place of love and desire to understand others without judgement. Modern etiquette does not call for pearls and perfection but rather, it calls us to give freely without complaint, and to make all who cross our path feel welcomed, valued, and loved.

1 Peter 4:8-10 “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift

you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”

Courtney Opalko is a certified etiquette coach with a mission to spread kindness and civility in today’s world. By combining the art of etiquette with the science of positive psychology and communication skills, she empowers others to their best, most confident self. She is a wife and mother of two young children and she is passionate about serving others through hospitality.

Written by: Courtney Opalko

To learn more, visit or follow her on Instagram


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